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Herbal Candles

Herbs are often used in conjunction with candle magic, as they are energy generators in their own right. We must turn to the plants, flowers and trees themselves if we want to learn the secrets of Nature.
Herbs greatly enhance the magical effect of a wax candle. Such candles are perfect for both individual use and during the performed ceremony. Each plant has its own vibrations and is capable of exerting a unique magical effect.

The magical meaning of herbs:

  • Wormwood – enhances mental perception, drives away evil spirits, protects people from the evil eye, damage, misfortunes, promotes fertility. Therefore, wormwood wax candles are ideal for energy cleansing, protective rituals and healing magic.
  • Immortelle connects the worlds of the living and the dead, protects from evil spirits, brings longevity and allows you to maintain health, youth and beauty. Use immortelle candles for healing and protective magic.
  • Sage helps to achieve success and prosperity, restores the aura, and also cleans the space, expels evil spirits, protects. Therefore, wax candles with sage are indispensable in the rituals of money magic. In addition, such candles are well suited for rituals of purification, protection and consecration.
  • St. John’s wort – protects against negative energy, the evil eye , damage. It also restores strength, fills with energy. In addition, our ancestors believed that St. John’s wort bestows happiness, courage, love, protection, the ability to divination. It is one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs. Use St. John’s wort wax candles for protective rituals and energy recovery.
  • Nettle – first of all, it protects against negativity, restores health. Use nettle candles to cleanse, protect, restore health.
  • Mint – enhances supernatural abilities, clairvoyance. Also used for healing. In addition, it attracts good luck, financial well-being. Burning mint candles for the growing moon makes money energy work several times faster, attracting a more powerful cash flow to you.
  • Elderberry – associated with the sacrament of death and birth … Therefore, it is often used in the practice of communicating with the spirits of the departed. In addition, it enhances magical abilities and mental perception. Black Elderberry Wax Candles also have aggressive defense and healing properties.
  • Rose – since ancient times it has been considered a flower of love, passion and beauty. Represents the element of Water and the power of the Moon. Therefore, it is primarily used in love magic. In addition, the rose attracts good luck and fortune. It is also worth noting the purifying and harmonizing properties of the rose. Therefore, candles with rose petals can be used in a wide variety of magical practices.
  • Amber – attracts happiness, prosperity, enhances intuition and helps to realize plans, brings good luck, joy and peace, gives courage, keeps health. Candles with amber are perfect for money magic, as well as for career rituals and creative realization.

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