Altar cloth the Qliphoth Star for magical work. It can be used as an altar cloth, and also as a tablecloth for working with Runes and Tarot. The cloth is made of pleasant-to-the-touch black artificial cashmere and is decorated with hand embroidery of an eleven-pointed star. It’s sewn and embroidered by hand with love and care.
The eleven-pointed star is an ancient symbol in the history of mankind. In the Qabalah, it represents the Tree of Knowledge, the opposite of the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. The eleven rays symbolize the eleven spheres of the Kabbalistic Tree of Qliphoth: Lilith, Gamaliel, Samael, A’arab Zarak, Tagirion, Golahab, Ga’agshebla, Satariel, Gagiel, and Thaumiel. In this paradigm, Taumiel is seen as divided into two and consists of two separate spheres – hence the number eleven, although traditionally there are ten Qliphoth.
In ritual work, you can use this altar cloth with the Qliphothic Star as a gateway to the flow of Sitra Ahra. There are many ways to work with the star: it can be simple meditations or more complex practices such as astral travel, invocations, or even evocations, where you replace the triangle of incarnation in your ceremonial work. Feel free to experiment with it and find your method of using the Clippot Star in your practice.
The altar cloth with the Star of Klipot will be a great gift for spiritual seekers and will decorate your altar. The tablecloths are handmade in limited quantities.
More altar attributes can be found at the link.
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