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Dark Moon Lilith Pendant


  • Dimensions: 50×30 mm
  • Material: 925 sterling silver
  • Weight: 7.7 g

In stock


The Dark Moon Lilith pendant is made in the form of the astrological symbol of Lilith – the Black Moon. In the center of the pendant is an engraved Lilith’s sigil. The Black (Dark) Moon is an astrological fictitious point that denotes the farthest from the Earth point of the lunar orbit.

According to ancient Mesopotamian and Jewish mythology, Lilith was Adam’s first wife. While the famous Eve was born from Adam’s rib, Lilith and Adam were created by God from the earth’s dust, emphasizing Lilith’s autonomy as a being separate from Adam. According to the legend, Lilith refused to be submissive to him, exercising her right to free will and sexual independence; she was expelled from the Garden of Eden. Today, the image of Lilith, demonized for centuries, has been reinterpreted by most researchers as a creative, self-sufficient female archetype. You can read more about Lilith here.

The Dark Moon Lilith pendant will be a perfect gift for those who want to reveal their femininity and sexuality to realize their free will and creativity.

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Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg
Dimensions 7 × 5 × 2 cm
Minimum 4 characters