The hexagram (six-pointed star) is as old and revered a symbol in human history as the pentagram. This symbol has been found in various cultures since the end of the fourth millennium BC: India, Europe, ancient Egypt, and the Middle East. The hexagram is also often mentioned in the Bible and appeared on Christian churchin in the Middle Ages. Its images can often be found in books on alchemy, Kabbalah, and magic. For example, it appears in the description of Paracelsus’ talismans in the Great and Small Keys of Solomon. Other names include the Star of David, the Star of Solomon, and the Star of the Macrocosm.
There are many ways to interpret this symbol. The classical hexagram consists of two equilateral triangles facing up and down. The first triangle symbolizes the elements of Fire and Air (masculine, turning to or reuniting with God), and the second triangle symbolizes Water and Earth (feminine, God’s condescension into matter). The Thelema and the Golden Dawn traditions use a unicursal hexagram drawn in one continuous line. In the Buddhist tradition, the six-pointed star correlates with the six sacred sounds of Creation. The Hindu interpretation of the symbol combines Shiva and Shakti, the fundamental energies of Creation, preservation, and destruction of the world.
The hexagram as a whole is a symbol of balance and harmony of the elements, a sign of a perfect person, and a reflection of the hermetic principle “What is above is below.” The meaning of the mascot is the perfect balance of complementary forces, the ideal union of spirit and matter. It is a harmony of the principles of activity and passivity, of energy exchange: giving and receiving.
Most often, however, the universe hexagram correlates with the seven planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Moon) that comprise the Macrocosm. The vertices of the hexagram correspond to the planets, and the intersection in the center corresponds to the Sun, which personifies the personality. The six corners and six spaces between them allow the hexagram to include 12 zodiac signs and correlate with the twelve houses of the horoscope. In the Jewish tradition, the symbol correlates with the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life.
This symbol is used for purification, protection from demonic entities, and to attract the planets’ energies to harmonize life.