The Spirals of Life Lunar Pendant is a crescent-shaped piece of jewelry that reflects the adoration of the Moon associated with the cult of fertility. The Moon has long embodied feminine energies and motherhood archetypes, symbolizing magical abilities, intuition, and magic. It had its own archetypes and divine images in different traditions, but the deep symbolic meaning remains the same today. The Moon is Yesod on the Jewish Tree of Life, a transition from a profane state to a subtle vision and perception of the world, overcoming the first veil on the path of self-knowledge. Regardless of the tradition, it is unity with the archetype of the Great Mother, no matter her name and face.
The moon pendant protects a woman from evil forces, enhances the feminine principle, intuition preserves health, etc. Slavic women wore this jewelry shaped like a new moon to protect themselves from misfortune, ensure their health and that of their children, and make their homes prosperous. The “horns” of the Moon symbolize the favor of Heaven, under whose protection the owner of this amulet is. The decorative ornament in spirals symbolizes the movement of time and eternal development. Like the Moon’s cyclical phases, the multidirectional spirals symbolize purification (the spiral unfolding counterclockwise represents the waning Moon) and multiplication of energies (the spiral unfolding clockwise represents the growing Moon) in the eternal cycle of creation.
The pendant has a double-sided ornament, which allows you to wear it depending on your mood.
You can buy other amulets and talismans here.
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