Initially, the triskele was a solar symbol (in later cultures, it was considered the personification of the “running” of time). During ceremonies, this sign was used to symbolize the four elements (fire, water, air, and earth – the center), which go to infinity. The Triskele pendant symbolizes the balance of the nature of the four elements. It gives protection and energy to life, a favorable outcome to all matters regardless of the circumstances.
In Kievan Rus, the triskele was called a triglav. The Slavs associated the Triglav symbol with living and dead water. It is considered a good amulet against sudden death, the vicissitudes of fate, a guiding light on the path of life, and a spiral of life itself. The Triglav denoted three worlds – Prav, Yav, and Nav; its center personified the god Rod, and the rays were the divine Triglavs coming out of it – Svarog, Perun, and Veles.
Runic circles have been used since ancient times and are still used for protective purposes and other magical purposes, such as accumulating personal power. It is believed that the runic circle personifies all the power of the universe.
Other amulets and talismans can be found here.
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