Valknut is a Scandinavian sacred symbol of Odin and the magic associated with him; a symbol of the worlds of the Yggdrasil Tree: Asgard (upper world), Midgard (middle world), and Helheim (lower world). It is a symbol of the connectedness of the nine worlds, a symbol of transition, which is under the control of Odin. Valknut Pendant is a symbol of the triple nature of the Gods: Odin-Vili-Ve, Odin-Henir-Lodur, Odin-Heimdall-Loki; a symbol of the unity of the past, present and future; body, spirit, and soul; unity, transformation, transition; a key to understanding the triple.
Amuletic meaning of the Valknut pendant in the runic circle: transition, open door; from the level of the Tree of Worlds (change from one world to another) to the improvement of mental abilities by facilitating the switching from one topic to another and the emergence of the ability to perceive one’s thoughts and judgments, previously thought to be unshakable, healthily and critically when confronted with something that opposes them; on the one hand, the acquisition of wisdom, on the other, a sign of dedication to the Path of Odin.
Other amulets and talismans can be found here.
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