The Pentagram is one of the most essential magical symbols in the spiritual traditions of many cultures. Unlike the Hexagram, which symbolizes the Macrocosm, the Pentagram primarily symbolizes the Microcosm. It is the oldest symbol of the union of the four Elements under the auspices of the Spirit. Turning the pentagram “upside down” generally allows matter to dominate the Spirit, and the figure will lose its inherent balance and stability. From the point of view of the human psyche, the Spirit personifies the higher consciousness that should always guide our actions. Thus, a straight pentagram represents an upward energy flow that flows to God, to one’s divine consciousness. The inverted Pentagram represents the self as an independent being and, thus, a downward flow from God into matter and the depths of the mind. Thus, the inverted Pentagram generally indicates the possibility of materializing the divine plan.
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