Natural Apache tears rune set Tyr consists of 24 Elder Futhark runes and Odin’s rune (Wyrd). It is an indispensable tool in the Norse practices. Runes made of natural stone are much more potent in their energy and can create a protective field around the owner.
Runic set “Tyr” is created from obsidian “Apache tears” in the energies of the ancient Scandinavian god Tyr. Tyr is a god in Germanic mythology, a valiant and influential member of the tribe of Aesir, patron of warriors and mythological heroes. Under his patronage were the formalities of war, especially treaties and, accordingly, justice. The most famous myth about him can be understood as a guarantor of treaties and guardian of oaths: as a guarantee of goodwill, he placed his hand in the mouth of the monstrous wolf Fenrir when the gods bound him. When Fenrir realized he had been tricked, he bit off Tyr’s hand. According to Viking eschatological myths, on the day of Ragnarök, Thyr will fight the monstrous dog Garm, and they will kill each other.
Obsidian is a powerful storehouse of energy and information. It helps to concentrate the forces of the astral and promotes clairvoyance. The ancient Sumerians believed that obsidian contains the power of the Sun, Uranus, and Saturn simultaneously. That is why the mineral is so powerful and influential. Modern astrologers rank it among the stones of Pluto. The mineral allows you to look into the future or the past and establish a connection with the otherworld. In addition, obsidian is one of the most vital minerals that protect from the influence of negative energy, black magic, curses, spoilage, etc. Obsidian runes help a person to concentrate on complex tasks. Obsidian can eliminate the fuss around its owner and create the necessary working atmosphere. Apache Tears is a black obsidian mined in the southwestern part of the United States and Mexico. The name comes from the Indian legend of the tribe having the same name. After a battle with superior cavalry forces, brave Apache warriors pursued by the aggressors preferred captivity to a horrible death by jumping off a cliff. The maddened women of the tribe wept dark tears of grief, and the suffering spilled on the ground was transformed into extraordinary stones. Apache tear obsidian became a symbol of valor and sacrifice.
Rune set Tir of obsidian Apache tears is handcrafted by the master runologist of the Dryadе center. Please note that the photo of the product is just one example and may differ slightly in the size and coloring of the stones, as each set is handcrafted with the preservation of the natural form.
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