The Helm of Awe, or the Helm of Terror (Aegishjalmur), is one of the most potent protective amulets in the Scandinavian tradition. According to Norse belief, anyone who wears this symbol in battle will be protected from harm. Warriors used this symbol on their helmets and shields to protect themselves in battle and from all possible dangers.
If you look closer at the symbol, you will see that the Helm of Awe Aegishjalmur comprises runes. The ”
arms” of Agiðhjalm are represented by the rune Algiz. Algiz is associated with protection and victory over enemies, making it an appropriate choice for inclusion in such a symbol. The “thorns” running perpendicular to the “arms” are most likely the Isa rune. Since “Isa” means “ice,” its inclusion in the Helm of Terror could have given the symbol a sense of focus and tempering with the power of ice.
Other amulets and talismans can be found here.
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